Fighting Yourself

This week I wanted to discuss something that many of us struggle with on a day-to-day basis. We often are fighting ourselves. No matter how much reassurance we get a lot of us still carry self-doubt. This isn’t something we can just fix automatically. But there are things we can do to make it so this self-doubt does not have such a huge toll on our day-to-day lives.

Photo By Tayler Pierson

I’ve struggled with this for such a long time. I realized that I am my own biggest hater. I found myself saying things like “Omg my hair looks a mess!” and then my friend would be like ” It actually does not look bad at all.” Yet I still think she’s just being a good friend and reassuring me. Yet, in reality, It didn’t look that bad and I was the only person who noticed those tiny imperfections. If we stand in the mirror we could almost tell you a thousand things we don’t like about ourselves, yet others may find those certain things beautiful.

You vs You

This is the problem with fighting yourself. It doesn’t affect anyone but you. You are making stress on yourself and being sad about something that you implied that you thought was “wrong” with yourself.

You may think how do I even begin to stop doing this. The first step is giving yourself credit. Start noticing those things you like about yourself instead of pointing out the things you don’t. Stop self-comparison! Next, you need to prevent things that hurt your mental. Limit your social media use! We have created these ideas of beauty through social media and it makes u hate on yourself even more because you don’t look exactly like the women you see others in ah over.

I could give a thousand tips on how to stop fighting yourself but at the end of the day, it is all in your mind. If you want to start becoming that girl or even the best version of yourself we must stop bringing ourselves down.

Something important I try my best to do is affirmations. Affirmations are emotional support or encouragement you can say to yourself in order to start building a better mental about yourself. I want you to all try saying these every morning in the mirror before you begin your day.


  • I am beautiful
  • I am strong
  • I am capable to acheive anything I set my mind to
  • I love me
  • I love who i am growing to be
  • I will continue to love myself through any obstacle I might encounter
Tayler Pierson

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