Self-Care Isn’t Self-Ish

You need to start putting yourself first!

Photo by Tayler Pierson

A lot of us make to-do lists on a daily basis. It includes things like go to the grocery store, walk the dog, clean the bathroom, etc.  Rarely do we write do a face mask, read a book, take a long shower or fully exfoliate.

Often times, we forget about ourselves and put everything and everyone else first. We must change this and start putting ourselves first by seeing the importance of self-care.

Photo by Tayler Pierson

Self-care plays a crucial part when it comes to our overall health. There are several different methods of self-care. 

Let’s start with knowing your worth. You must know that you deserve more to continue to grow. If you want to learn more about knowing your worth, I highly recommend reading Cara Hutto’s article about the 7 ways to improve on knowing your worth. She hits some really great topics that you might not know or overlook when it comes to selling yourself short.

I have always said that if you don’t think you deserve anything you will never find yourself reaching your goals or beginning that journey of becoming “That Girl”. You might ask how do I begin to take the step or make this change. The answer is simple ‘self-care’. 

Self-care starts by making yourself feel good doing things for yourself. I know personally, I feel like crap when I haven’t brushed my hair, taken a shower, or even changed clothes. Yet I feel so much better once I’ve gotten up and done all of those things. These little things are counted as self-care.

You have to think of it like, how can you expect others to treat you correctly or care about you if you don’t even do those things for yourself. You HAVE to start putting yourself first.


Photo By Tayler Pierson

If you have never heard Hailee Steinfeld song Love Myself. I highly recommend you go listen to it while doing your self-care routine! 

But anyways you may ask why is all of this so important? For starters it builds confidence. You will never flourish without confidence. Another reason is self-care regenerates your body. If you start taking care of yourself you will find that your days are brighter. You’ll ultimately have a lot more energy.

Here are my top picks for self-care products!

This is all I have for this weeks post but I encourage you all to really take this self-care seriously! This is only the first step into becoming “That Girl”.

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